I’m healing, healing. Yes, I am
From the abuse and feeling I have endured
The narcissistic abuse that was too much
But I’m healing, healing from its touch
No one else can understand
All that I’ve been through
Except for all the others
Who have been through it too
It isn’t just the physical
That is bad enough
But the mental agony
Makes life very rough
My abuser is no longer here
So, I happily have much more
And I can catch up on everything
That I didn’t have before
I go out a little bit
But I’m more comfortable at home
I like people. Yes, I do
But I prefer being alone
I have a website
That is true
So, now others can see
What I’ve been through
And if the abused have therapists
They should know how they feel
And learn how to help them
By what the abused reveal
And I thank my therapist
For being so kind to me
By letting me express myself
And understanding me
Life is so much brighter now
Each and every day
And my heart is happier
In every single way
