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I was five and a half when my baby brother was born. My name is Arlene and my baby brother is Johnny. I knew the difference between boys and girls and I saw it was so when they diapered Johnny. I wanted to diaper him too but they wouldn’t let me.

Johnny was born in November. In May I was six. In July I started day camp. Something happened my third day at camp. I was going to the bathroom and one of the older boys, Tom, said,

“Let me come into the bathroom with you.”

And so he did. He then pulled down his pants. Well, he looked very different from my baby brother. I didn’t understand it, but Tom had an erection. I don’t remember anything else.

Later, after I got home, I told my mother that a boy at camp came into the bathroom with me. She yelled at me. That meant something must have been wrong. She also didn’t like the fact that my pants were all muddy.

Well, fast forward twelve years to when I was eighteen years old and I was in a car with my boyfriend, Andy. And we had sex. It was the first time for me, as far as I

knew. But I didn’t feel a thing, not a thing. And I did not bleed. I even asked Andy,

“What happened?”

“Well, as the saying goes,” he said, “you just got laid.”

After that time, we continued having sex. But I didn’t like it at all. It would hurt me. But I continued doing it. I don’t know why.

Well, that was a long time ago. Since then, I’ve had many boyfriends and a husband. I’d say 98% of the time I did not like sex. What was different about the other 2%? I’ll tell you. I don’t know.

Did you like this story? Take a look at a similar story called "Daycamp" within my "Anna" eBook.


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